how to get in the shower when you're depressed


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If you’re a millennial, it’s likely So Fresh, So Clean will forever be the post shower anthem.

This blog comes on the heels of my Showering When You’re Depressed blog. While that blog took years for me to admit and articulate, this little tips and tricks gem, is a product of my trials and tribulations from the past couple of years, as I wrestled with depression and showring.

Below are the best 8 Tips that have helped me get in the shower on my toughest days.

1. Set Up Your Environment


Replying to @Daniel Gray you asked, we delivered 🤝 🎶🚿#showerplaylist #showertok #showerroutine #spotifyplaylist #drenchbar

♬ Little Things – Tiqta

Literally the best thing you can do is put some audio on. Music, audiobook, YouTube motivational video, anything that’ll zap your mind into the zone. Something else for you to focus on during your self-care session. Before you know it, you’ll be singing away and maybe even droppin it low on into the shower. So set up a shower playlist of something enjoyable and encouraging and let your mind go as you wash the day(s) off your body. Trust in yourself. Your mind instinctively knows what to do.

Are you a candle person? Light that candle, baby! Don’t save it for company or for a special occasion. Girl you are the special occasion! Invest in this as a ritual if it makes you happy. Either save up for those Bath & Body Works 3 wick candles, treat yourself to the pricier White Barn collection or even a candle from the Dollar General. Who cares where it is from?! All that matters is it suits your life and makes you happy. Set it somewhere safe and easy to get to and bam, part of your shower routine.

2. Invest in Some Maintenance

Me accepting the bare minimum for my shower

Are you happy with your showerhead? Is it running optimally? Have you even thought twice about this? This seems like something so simple but let me tell you, when you’re depressed, that is the last thing on your mind. Everything feels like it sucks as it is, you might not even notice your showerhead is barely spitting out water.

I didn’t even realize how bad my shower head was until it hit me one day when I was splashing water on myself, cold from the draft from the ill fitted shower liner. Annoyed, I got out, got a safety pin and re-poked holes into the calcified covered holes, dusted my hands off and proudly walked away.

Well, the next time I went to take a shower, the water took longer to heat up, and trickled out EVEN LESS. What … the … hell. Onto taking off the shower head. Tell me why this shower head was full of mud and rocks stuck on the other side. But you know what, once that was cleaned out, I kid you not, she was like a brand-new showerhead! I had inherited the “make it work” Mexican gene and I had done it again, I was making it work at my expense.

The second thing that was not cutting it, my shower liner. No matter how many times I tugged and pulled on one side to make the slightest contact with the wall to seal in the warmth, the other side would make a huge gap. Not only that, but it would also stick out inside the shower so much it would get stuck to my body as I moved around. And you know what? You can get these bad boys for under $5 at your local Ross or any discount retailer.

Sigh … even writing this is frustrating me again. Why did I do this to myself? It goes to show you, a little mindful maintenance goes a long way.

3. Pamper Yourself with Your Favorite Products

Let’s list them all right now: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razor, face wash and whatever else you use. Did your favorite products come to mind?

There’s nothing like the smell of your favorite hair products and the feel of your favorite scrubs. If you can’t afford your favorite brands, at least find a cheaper option with a scent you enjoy. Ignite those senses and enjoy the small pleasures of life.

Here are a couple of my favorite, I can’t wait to take a shower, products. Hair care items with tea tree oil will give you a really cool tingly feeling, especially shampoos and conditioners. Next are body scrubs. Not only do they exfoliate your skin and remove dead skin, it’s also another very sensory experience.

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4. Work Out

If you are like me, I have a hard time getting comfortable after I’ve been very hot and sweaty, and working out will do that.

If you’re working out regularly, you are off to a fantastic start! Working out releases serotonin, one of the happy chemicals. This alone will raise your spirits. Not only that, a shower is usually automatically next. It’s like they go hand in hand. If you want to take things to the next level, take a cold shower. There are soooo many benefits but for the purposes of this article, it improves your mood. Do I personally do this? Aveces (sometimes). It takes a lot of practice. I’ll tell you what though, it’s a lot easier to do in the summer than the winter, obvio.

5. Find a Routine You Love

Stop! Don’t skip this one. I know, I know, routines are like the worst part, right?

It takes me a loooooong time to establish a routine, especially if I don’t like 95% love it. I super struggle with accountability and commitment when it comes to doing something that is in my best interest. And then, I hate myself for it. Or, at least I did.

Go easy on yourself when it comes to finding a routine, especially when it comes to getting in the shower. It’ll be trial and error for quite the minute there. And one day you’ll realize, well hot damn, I found myself a routine I don’t hate. And it’s the best feeling!

Often times, underprivileged and/or families of other cultures are brought up with a survival mentality. Whether we’re still in that situation or not, this can cause us to live life begrudgingly. This can be something you can have control over. As you work on creating a little slow-paced ritual focused on self-care.

6. Try Out Trackers & Timers

Sometimes, external prompts and trackers can really help your mindfulness of completing challenging tasks, whatever they may be.

My brain has settled into a permanent unhealthy fight or flight state for years. This is where I felt comfortable. Under pressure is where I thrived and did my best work. From feeling the rush of heart palpitations in anticipation of the deadline, to the dopamine rush reward at the end, my motivation to start is low until I have to get it done. That’s where TIMERS come in. Now you can set one on your phone or watch if digital is for you. As for me, I love a pretty sand timer. There’s nothing more satisfying than watching the sand trickle down and trying to beat that timer by finishing my daily tasks.

Last year I started the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. The biggest takeaway I had was Habit Stacking. Habit Stacking is adding a new habit to something you are already in the habit/routine of doing. This, like everything else takes time for it to stick, however therein lies the magic. If you pair showering with something you’re already in the habit of doing in the morning or the evening, theory is, you are more likely to maintain the new habit when paired consistently with the old habit.

For example, I have found brushing my teeth in the shower and using shower lotion helps me kill 3 birds with one stone. Now I don’t do this each time consistently, but having the option there as well, makes it more likely for me to check these basic self-care chores off the list.

Have you heard of the Pomodoro technique/timer? This method is like a preprogrammed schedule for completing tasks for a certain amount of time, followed by a short break, and back to the task at hand. Fulfilling set amounts of task and break times with the intention of helping you stay focused and accountable to your tasks. Check out this YouTube channel, full of different Pomodoro videos with calming music.

Finally, track your progress. There are soooo many options these days when it comes to tracking habits and productivity and you better believe, showering is a must on my habit tracker. There’s something about an in-your-face visual reminding you how often you are being accountable to the priorities in your life. Whether it’s a simple bullet journal you make on your own, a habit tracker app, or a monthly journal subscription (I really enjoyed Silk & Saunder, the prettiest wellness planners full of quotes, charts, trackers, games, coloring pages, planning pages, and recipes), there are so many ways to help you keep track of the priorities in your life.

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7. Block Out the Negativity

Honey, let me tell you, you are beautiful and worthy of feeling your best self, at least to feel clean and safe in your body.

I’m sure it’s loud in your head as it is, with negativity and self-doubt. Some people struggle with facing those guilt demons alone. And once you get the strength to admit this specific struggle, not everyone will be your cheerleader. It’s not your job to make anyone understand. Do your best to block out the negativity and stay on your healing journey. This is where I like to channel my inner Kendrick Lamar with “Bitch don’t kill my vibe”.

8. Your Shower Doesn’t Have to be Perfect

Take the pressure off of yourself! One of the loops that holds me back from showering is everything I feel like I need to do in the shower and by everything, I mostly mean shaving. If you’re reading this and you wax, epilate, laser, well, that’s not a choice I’ve been blessed with just yet, however girl I’m sure each one of those come with their own challenges.

Some days, all I have energy for is the bare minimum. Wash the hair, wash the body y ya. Done. And that’s okay. Who says you have to complete each step perfectly each time? My head. My brain is what feeds me the loops of lies. When in reality, you’re clean. Don’t let the idea of doing everything all the time stop you from getting in!

Consider giving one or more of these suggestions a try. You never know, one of these things may work for you. Doesn’t hurt to give them a shot.

What are some of your getting in the shower when your depressed tips? Share them in the comments below!

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