white elephant game


Every year during Christmas time, the Holiday party planners have a difficult decision to make. Should they stick with the traditional games, pick a trending game, and what game will get the most engagement from everyone? Lucky for the white elephant game, she is each one of those games.

Which means, people are going to feel some sort of way about it.


The 14 kinds of people at white elephant games

  1. The, “I thought white elephant gifts were gag gifts. Why was the price range so high?”, guest.
  2. The guest who did not understand the assignment and brings an actual tacky gag gift.
  3. The, “Wait, this isn’t how I’ve played this game before,” guest.
  4. The guests who form an alliance.
  5. The guest that keeps saying, “ooooooh I want that one!”
  6. The guest who didn’t bring a gift but wants to play after all.
  7. The guest who brings the cheap gift.
  8. The host who asks for reassurance from the crowd about the rules of the game. Especially when it comes to how many times you can steal a gift from someone else.
  9. The guest who takes foreeeverrr to pick a gift.
  10. The guest who keeps shouting “woooooooooo!” when someone opens a gift.
  11. The guest who tries to “innocently” confuse everyone about how many times the gift they picked has been stolen. In hopes to keep the popular gift. Even if it is a 1.5% chance because no one is buying it.
  12. The guest who gets tired of the length of the game and complains the whole time.
  13. The “OMG, I needed one of these!” guest.
  14. The guest who nabs the popular gift and says, “woah, would you look at the time … I should get going”.

Got a white elephant game coming up this year? See how many of these guests you spot at your party.


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