the best goodbye


the best goodbye came from a teacher

The Makings of a Friendship

There once was a teacher, amidst the many, that I had the pleasure of working with in my past life. This teacher gave me the best goodbye.

This teacher, bless his soul, gave me a run for my money. Shy but firm, stubborn as hell, and a hell of a teacher and caregiver.

Mutual Respect

Teacher boundaries were pushed with confidence, immediately followed by pouting if it wasn’t received with acceptance and praise. Yet the times that it wasn’t accepted, was more about the environment, the stetting. Because the ideas that flowed through this teacher transcended beyond just one environment. Too big for one environment but perfect for another. And he knew this. A teacher with this awareness has the grasp on life to succeed beyond measure.

The Last Goodbye

Yesterday was this teacher’s last day. Oh my God, I’m gonna miss his presence. I’m gonna miss him calling me the paper nazi, the name that was bestowed upon me for expecting the floor in his classroom to be swept and cleaned.

I’m gonna miss the tears we often share together, the pain from our conflict we had to endure for personal and professional growth. I’m gonna miss, him.


At the end of his last day, he came into my office, quietly sat down avoiding eye contact, and calmly said he had a song to share with me. Nothing too out of the blue for me as this was something we often did, one of “our things”.

He started playing “Old Friends” by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. He was Dolly of course, and I said, with my best manly voice, “and I’m Kenny”.

We sat there listening and crying to the song together. Reminiscing on all our work memories, good and bad. He wanted it that way. For us to sit and enjoy it together after all of the teachers and kids had left. Our last goodbye. It was memorable, just like in the movies. Along with the return of the school keys. Just like this teacher, to make that moment special for us. Going out like a real G.

creating the best goodbye

Amidst the challenges in a career, in life in general, there are memories being made. Memories you’ll miss in the blink of an eye. It’s in those moments that we call, life. Bonding moments that carry you through life, in good times and bad. If you stop and take a moment of gratitude to appreciate these nuances when they’re happening, without even recognizing it, you are preparing yourself for, the best goodbye.

Have you ever had the best goodbye? Feeling the beauty of it all? I’d love to hear how your best goodbye affected you. Tell me all about it in the comments below.

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